Your Free Consultation Session

Schedule your free consultation now and get your customized concept leading you to sustainable fitness! 

Who is this appointment suitable for?

If one or more points apply to you, then this free consultation session is ideal for you. Click on the button below and make your appointment now!

How does the whole thing work?

Step 1: You just fill in the info sheet

In order to get a first impression of you, I need to get to know you a bit better. That’s why I’ll ask you a few questions about yourself in a short questionnaire.

Step 2: We make an appointment for you

After you have completed the questionnaire, I will contact you via WhatsApp or E-mail so that we can schedule a date that suits both of us. Here, you will receive all the relevant information you need.

Step 3: Anamnesis and analysis of your current condition

I will take a closer look at your situation to map out the reasons why you have not experienced the success you desire. 

Step 4: You receive your personal "Breakthrough Plan"

After I get to know you, your physical situation and your goal better, we can work together to set up your personal breakthrough plan.

Step 5: You decide

At the end you decide: Will you implement the plan alone or will we walk that path together? Important: The consultation is completely free of charge for you – you do not enter into any obligations with the booking.


"I highly recommend working with Marlon! I run a few businesses, have a personal life, and love to vacation. While I was making time to exercise I wasn't getting the results I wanted and researching ways to get results were overwhelming and contradicted one another very often. Plus, I didn't want any kind of diet where I felt like I was suffering or that I couldn't/wouldn't want to maintain years from now. I tried that and it backfired on me. I want a life of fitness and nutrition that integrates with my whole self. Since working with Marlon I have had this! He does all the work and research to determine what works best for me and my lifestyle and all I have to do is show up. It's awesome! In just a few weeks, my fitness and nutrition are better than ever. I enjoyed the food I wanted during the holidays and still lost weight! I could never feel this great or have achieved the results I have on my own - I already tried. Marlon works with my strengths and weaknesses, keeps me accountable, pushes/encourages me to be my best, and I'm enjoying the results!"
Melissa Smith
United States
"Toda la vida he sido deportista de hobby, pero en realidad nunca me sentí en un estado físico satisfactorio. No entendía por que no me podía ver marcado, o tener más músculo. Por otra parte el gimnasio siempre me parecía aburrido porque no entendía la lógica del entrenamiento. Desde que empecé a entrenar con Marlon me hizo ver que las pesas en combinación con mis deportes es lo que en realidad me va a dar un “prime” en mi rendimiento, y además es lo que verdaderamente me hará ver FIT. Además de tener una sensibilidad muy desarrollada para diseñarte tus rutinas, también encontré que durante los entrenamientos te enseña la lógica de los ejercicios, lo cual en realidad te da herramientas para que el resto de tu vida tu puedas ir aprendiendo a crear tus entrenamientos. Por último, me diseño una rutina de pesas enfocada en mi performance como motociclista extremo. Un mes no pude entrenar en la moto pero si hice esa rutina. Cuando me subí nuevamente a la moto pese a no haber entrenado en la moto ese mes, me sentía super fluído, ágil y habilidoso, como consecuencia de la fuerza y la stamina que había desarrollado con esa rutina específica. Marlon 100% recomendado."
Arnulfo López
"Ich kann nur positives sagen. Es ist genau die Mischung am Ende gewesen, die ich mir vorgestellt habe. Nämlich auf der einen Seite dieses Eingehen auf das sportliche Vermögen und Unvermögen. Das hast du ja mit einer sehr großen Empathie hinbekommen und da immer Anreize gegeben, die Abwechslung reingegeben haben - Die nach 8 Wochen schon ganz deutliche Erfolge gezeigt haben. Man hat sich viele Sachen aneignen können, die man auch jetzt mal so zwischendurch ausprobieren und einbauen kann. Weil es eben viele Übungen sind, die vom Setting her sehr unkompliziert und sehr alltagstauglich sind."
Stephan Marcus Hübner
"Marlon really helped me to get back to an active lifestyle. After getting sick, I tried for years to get back to a fitness routine and never was able to make it stick. I now feel confident that I can keep my new habits and get fit again."
Anne Claessen
Porträt von Marlon Schadeck

Why can I help you?

Marlon Schadeck

Expert for sustainable fitness specialized on remote workers and digital nomads

When I started working out about 15 years ago, I tried various training plans, various diets and various approaches. And to be honest, yes, with some of these things, I even could see some progress here and there. 

The problem: I don’t like to limit myself. I want to be free and spontaneous in the decision of what I eat and how or where I exercise. However, that doesn’t go along very well with most of the conventional training and nutrition plans that you find out there on the internet or wherever.

The result: I tried hard for a while, until life happened, my efforts got less and less, and I finally fell back to old habits. Wow, all that time and energy for nothing. 

That’s why I finally decided to acquire first the basic, then the more advanced knowledge and skills regarding fitness and health. I made my fitness trainer licenses, and studied sports at the university. However, learning not only about the trainability of the human body, but also about sustainable habit formation was something like the last piece of the puzzle for me. From now, I could write my own training and nutrition concepts and made small adjustments that suited me, my life, and my goals. Adjustments that then developed to habits.

That’s when I realized: It can be so easy. You don’t even have to limit yourself if you make just the most relevant and enjoyable changes that it requires to achieve your goal. You don’t have to limit yourself if you have an individualized training and nutrition concept. A concept that is enjoyable on the one hand, and goal-orientated on the other. 

But how to build such a thing? By progressively implementing simple but very effective habits, week by week. They have to be so manageable, that you are not even struggling to implement them. They have to be so effective, that there is not even another way than reaching your goal. 

Over the years, I have developed a habit-based method that I now use to help my clients get fit and healthy long term. No restrictions, no fall-backs.

Where does the meeting take place?

Your 60-90 minute consultation session will take place online via Zoom.

You will receive all the relevant information via WhatsApp or e-mail after booking your appointment.

I’m looking forward to meeting you!